A year ago last week the town where I live, Cockermouth in England, was hit DREADFULLY by floods. Two rivers burst their banks & flooded the town. Bridges collapsed with the force of the water, livelihoods were lost & people were made homeless. Fortunately for us, we live up a hill but the foot of this hill was flooded & the footbridge to the town collapsed. It was a terrible time for the town - these are some photos of the extent of the destruction...
One year on we are ALMOST back to 'normal' but life will never be the same for many people here. Because of people's resoursefulness , kindness & spirit we have all come out the other end of this experience with a greater sense of community.
Incredible pictures....and so frightening for everyone when it happened.
No doubt it is something that will take time to recover from and never be forgotten too.
Julie x
Hi Paula,
I can relate. Houston is also a flooding town. Happens all the time, so I understand your pain. It's amazing the resilience of the human spirit. We adjust, we overcome, we move on. Thank you so much for sharing the pics.
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